The Fenton - Baldwin Family Histories

Surname List: Begins with M

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All surnames beginning with M, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Madsdatter (1)
2. Madsen (1)
3. Maloney (Mullowney) (4)
4. Manning (29)
5. Manning Fassett (1)
6. Manning Shed (1)
7. Manzitti (1)
8. Marsh (1)
9. Marshall (1)
   10. Maskell (1)
11. Mauritsdatter Rold (1)
12. McEnaney (5)
13. McFarland (4)
14. McGrath (1)
15. McLean (1)
16. McLeod (3)
17. McNeal (1)
18. McSpadden (2)
   19. Meeker (1)
20. Meiser (7)
21. Melentiev (1)
22. Melentieva (1)
23. Merrick (1)
24. Mesler (1)
25. Mezgina (1)
26. Miller (1)
27. Mitchell (1)
   28. Moloney( Mullawney) (1)
29. Montz (1)
30. Morch (10)
31. Morrissey (18)
32. Mortensdatter (6)
33. Mortensen (5)
34. Mose (2)
35. Mouridsdater Mørch (1)
36. Mouridsdatter Mørch (1)
   37. Mouridsen Morch (1)
38. Mouridsen Mørch (1)
39. Mullowney (2)
40. Murphy (1)
41. Mørch (20)
42. Mørck (1)